Just would like to share that this morning one of friend of mine share to me that his avast still can’t detect the file which’s he earn this file from his email with subject about tax or some financial stuff.
Could you also upload the Lofog downloadert malware here: http://subwiz.trendmicro.com/SubWiz/Default.asp (free for non-registered users) as a lot of users have the additional Bitdefender QuickScan in their Google Chrome Browser as it comes with their instance of Quick and Clean extension,
Agree with DavidR that links to live malware should be uploaded for official detection to avast (this also should be indirectly done through uploading to virustotal and via other av reporting channels.)
What I rather would see is avast detection for it as there is a lot of activity seen for this malware just now, BitDefenbder reports Gen:Variant.Kazy.12895 with a 48.28% prevalence on their servers recently via their [Real-time Virus Reporting] - Last 24 hours, see link: http://www.bitdefender.com.au/site/VirusInfo/realTimeReporting/1/mail
So avast detection of it might be urgent. This I conclude from the virustotal link given by DavidR. Is it right that avast does not detect this malware yet?
I reported this earlier here: http://forum.avast.com/index.php?topic=71384.0
I got the another malware sample which’s maybe avast not detect yet, and will submit the report in this thread as well…just hold on second let me analyze it first.
The thing about file sharing sites isn’t just that the link is live, but that it is there at all. This forum is a publicly available web site so people can see/browse and we have no control over their actions.
Whilst Milos has edited the link to stop it being active it is still there it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to change the xx back and gain access. So personally I don’t feel it should be there at all, undetected samples should be shared only with avast so that they can add the detections, other than that no one else really needs to know.
In the future i will only shared with the avast viruslab team only, actually before i share in this forum i have submit to virus @ avast . com already.
Today after i retry to scan this file, avast has detect this as trojan gen file.