My service at Sympatico has been changed as they are moving to a new platform. When I called Tech. support they had me change allot of settings in Windows Mail/Vista. It would not receive or send mail so the tech. instructed me to and disable internet mail in Avast. Now Email works BUT I fell vulnerable so to speak. I do not know what to set things at under network shield/Internet Mail Customize??
I have reviewed it but am uncertain to do anything at this point with settings and need help.
Can someone knowledgable get back to me please?
I will answer whatever questions will guide you.
I assume that the changes related to SSL/TLS (secure) email ports, changing to use SSL email.
avast works from outside the email program and if you use secure email avast can’t scan it, that is the whole point of secure email to keep out prying eyes out (includes AVs).
The problem happens when they use the standard email ports for SSL (secure) email as avast scans (or tries) traffic on ports 25, 110, 119 and 143. Because that email is encrypted avast can’t scan it but the problem is avast doesn’t expect to handle secure email (if and when it abandons trying to scan the email) it wouldn’t be trying to send it using secure means, this would cause issues.
I suggest you do a forum search for sympatico as this has cropped up on a number of occasions.
That is exactly what is going on and had to turn off email scanning as their tech support advised.
So what to stop a virus from walking in so to speak?
To say what is going on we need to know what you did ?
e.g. all the assumptions I made need confirmation.
I assume that the changes related to SSL/TLS (secure) email ports, changing to use SSL email.
Did you do a forums search as suggested ?
I suggest you do a forum search for sympatico as this has cropped up on a number of occasions.
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Well… it should be an English-only forum…
Could you please, go to an automated translation service, copy & paste your text and get, at least, an automated translation of your writings?
See the questions I asked in the post following your and answer, plus this one. What is the full error message that you are getting ?
Check out this topic, does that seem related ?
David I followed the link and it is the same thread we are in?? Did you mean to have a different URL link to another thread?
I have much the same problem and it just started yesterday after an avast update.
I am having the problem on Outlook express but not on Outlook office.
Here is the message from Outlook express:
The server responded with an error. Account: ‘’,
Server: ‘’, Protocol: POP3, Server Response: ‘-
ERR Cannot connect to POP server (,
connect error 10061’, Port: 110, Secure(SSL): No, Server Error: 0x800CCC90,
Error Number: 0x800CCC90
I am running Avast 4.7 and this was not a problem until virus program was updated on Saturday.
I am not the person who started this tread but I am having a similar issue. If I turn off scanning OE works.
Thanks in advance for any help
Yes I did mean a different topic (I don’t know how I managed to paste the wrong one) and this post in particular. This one
I see you have also posted there, but I think this topic is unrelated to your problem as it could well be a Sympatico issue and the error codes are unreported despite asking camman for more information.
So it may be better to start a ‘new topic’ dedicated to your problem (where you can collate the information in both your posts) so things don’t get confused with multiple posters with possibly different issues.