New FILE SYSTEM SHIELD interferes with Dungeons and Dragons Online Game

I am writing the company to let you know that your new fourth shield: FILE SYSTEM SHIELD that was released recently has been found to interfere with the online game Dungeons and Dragons Online; also known as DDO.

It caused a great deal of confusion; lost game time; angst and tumult to us players who use your product. You may wish to address this issue immediately or perhaps contact the owners of DDO a company called Standing Stone Games to discuss how best to resolve the issues so that users of AVAST Free are not left wondering why suddenly products they were using are now unusable. And perhaps investigate if other products are also conflicting with this new FILE SYSTEM SHIELD.

Thank you for the use of your product which up until this weekend has always worked wonderfully and without any issues with all my applications.

The File Shield issue will be solved in the next VPS update.

Fixed in the latest virus definition update VPS 170509-4