New hardware, clean install, avast = BSOD

Not sure if this is the right section to post in, but im taking a shot here.

I recently upgraded my mobo and CPU, did a clean install of windows 7 pro, and after installing avast! I began getting seemingly random BSODs w/ memory dumps. I have used avast for years on my boxes, and this is the first time I’ve ever had this issue. This is my first time building a box myself, so I am unsure on how to access and post dump files that would be requested.

edit: I removed avast from my system and I have not encountered any more BSODs.

Any help would be greatly appreciated, avast has always done good by me and I would hate to not be able to use it anymore.

System info:
CPU: AMD Phenom II x6 1090T
OS: Windows 7 Pro 32bit
RAM: 4gb Patriot Extreme (2x2Gb)
PSU: 600w
GPU: Radeon HD 4650