new install Avast 6; no desktop

Hi all -

Having trouble after installing avast! 6 free version on three different PCs in the same house. Well, the installation completes fine, but when rebooted, I am unable to see desktop icons after logging in.

I tried to find this scenario elsewhere in the forums and didn’t see. Can someone advise what might cause hangups between log in and Desktop loading, or if you have a link I can read more info? When Avast is uninstalled or disabled (safe mode), the system will boot normally, desktop loads fine. I even disabled the rootkit scan on startup and raw disk access boot time scan.

These computers are Windows XP Prof with at least 512MB ram. Latest updates installed.


Have you tried a couple more reboots?

Same on 3 computers is strange. One, I can see.

Indeed. These are PCs on a domain, not sure if that helps… Different user names all who were able to get on normally prior to install.

This may be another manifestation of . What exact version of Avast did you install (there are several 6.x versions).

  1. What version of Avast did you install?
  2. What other security software do you currently have or did you have in the past on this machine including:
  • Antivirus (AV)
  • Firewall (FW)
  • Trial versions of AV, FW and other security programs
  • Other security software
  • If they were in the past, how did you remove them (the vendor’s uninstaller’s tool or another way)?
  1. Are your MS Updates current?

Try doing a fee scan with Secunia PSI to make sure you are current with your Windows and other software as well Sometimes there are other dependent software that need to be updated.

Avast version: 6.0.1091.0

Current installed Protection : none (removed avast)

Prior Protection: Symantec Corporate Antivirus/Firewall (very old version), K9 Web Protection

All prior software was removed via Add/Remove Programs.

Systems are running XP SP3, if they are in need of any update it should be minor (latest flash, IE8, etc)

Symantec requires uninstallation with their uninstaller tool, not by Add/Remove Programs. So this software most likely is still on your machine and this is why you are having difficulty installing Avast. Please run the Symantec Uninstaller Tool as I suspect this is your major problem with remnants:

Download and run the Norton/Symantec removal tool from here to clear them

Since Symantec is known to leave remnants behind, you can also go into Safe Mode (hit F8 repeatedly upon boot up), once in Safe Mode go to Advance Search > enter “sym” into the search box and see if anything comes up. Do the same but type in symlcbrd.sys , which is a Symantec Core Service BIOS reader. Do it again but type in Symantec, and again but type in NIS or NAV (depending on what you had installed on the machine). If you are uncertain of the files that come up on the search, right click on the file to show you Properties and you can tell if it belongs to Symantec…if it does you can delete it then empty your recycle bin and reboot your machine.

To uninstall K9: Reboot.
Your other option is to to a search in Safe Mode to check for remnants.

When you “removed” Avast, did you do this using the Avast Uninstaller tool?

I would first download the Avast installation file for v. 6.0.1091:

  1. Save a copy of Avast (the product you want) and save it to your HDD: – all products (Free, Pro, AIS)
  2. Download the Avast Uninstall Utility and save it to your HDD.
  3. Disconnect from the Internet at this time.
  4. Go to Control Panel and uninstall Avast through Add/Remove Programs if possible and reboot.
  5. If Step 4 fails, boot into Safe Mode (hit F8 repeatedly) and run the Avast Uninstall Tool. If you had a prior version or product of Avast, uninstall one at a time then reboot and repeat the process in Safe Mode again.
  6. Reboot.
  7. Install the newest version of Avast and reboot.
  8. Get Internet access and register your copy or add the license key for Free, Pro, or AIS.
  9. Update the Avast definitions.

If all goes well after the other unstallations and clean install of Avast, you should check your machine for outdated software since it changes rapidly. A good free scanner is Secunia PSI, which many of us use here weekly. In addition, this site will give you the vendor’s direct download link if an update to a software is needed. Right now there is a new java update. You also keep an eye on the Support are of this forum to keep informed up updates and links as well. But running the PSI scan will be a quick way to see if you need something.

Let me know how things go. Thank you.

K9 is fully compatible with avast. No problems.

@ Tech,

Thanks for the info. re: K9. :wink: I suspect removing Symantec without their uninstaller may be the OP’s issue, so now we need to hear back from the OP to answer the questions I posted earlier.

Fully agree about Symantec :wink:

Thanks SafeSurf, I just dropped by now to check for updates. I have some reading above to do ^^. I’ll be able to test this out later today or tomorrow. I’ll give an update on status soon.

Remove Windows as it is a bad operating system… download Ubuntu and burn to a Cd and install on your system as it doesn’t have over 70 billion viruses like windows. It looks like a mac! plus 1000s and 1000s of apps for it… like the iPhone commercials say there is an app for that! but just with ubuntu :wink: Its free!

Good balanced view; simple instructions.

What’s not to like about this solution to the OP’s problem? :slight_smile: ::slight_smile:

At Least i am using it and boot up time is like 25 seconds faster on my 2.00 ghz computer ;D
Plus Fake Av sites I laugh at windows cause they get infected if they download exe… Microsoft needs to stop supporting exe and support new file type made by them like create new filetype called .ms for microsoft programs…

I’ve used it too - and I like it.

But it has its own problems.

Anyway, this is all way off-topic is the point that I was trying (not very successfully) to make.

OK. SO anyway, back to the topic at hand: The problem was with SAV being installed (or not removed correctly)

Thanks all!

@ tj18,

Did you run the SAV Uninstaller that I previously posted and reboot your machine?

Since my last post, Avast put out a new version - 6.0.1125. Since I previously instructed you to uninstall Avast and do a clean install, here is the new download file for the new/current version of 6.0.1125: – all products (Free, Pro, AIS).

Follow the rest of the instructions for uninstalling and installing that I previously posted.

Let me know if you have any questions. Thank you. :slight_smile: