New Install - what is Id and password?


Purchased a 10 user SBS server version and installed the DNM on the server. Once completed after a lengthy time and doing a reboot of the server tried to login to the DNM but it notifies me of invalid Id and password. Is there a default for a new install?


its in the manual, read the manual please

besides that this has been covered in a multitude of topics here on the forum…

search the manual for administrator and you will find…

ofcourse we are happy to help but its not to much to ask to do some searching/reading yourself, right? :slight_smile:

There is also a manual you might find useful ;D


Please delete your recently database at AMS of avast.
Then create new certificate with AMS of avast, and then delete the old one.

Afterthat please restart again your server.

Hopefully it would help you.