I did not like the new layout of my account, besides being slower, the camandos and responses are not working.
Hate it.
How can we go back to the old one?
I hate to be negative but I very much dislike the new site. Its like I’m running a giant sized itunes app on my Mac. The toggles are clearly smartphone toggles. The icons even wiggle if you click on the Edit button! Too much of an iPhone fell for me. I think this was a step backwards for Avast. If I was discovering Avast today, I would not trust you with my phone because you look like a startup that hasn’t gotten to its professional level. The 5 tabs, I mean apps, on the left side have one useful option, Devices. But at least I have another tab with more apps. Oh wait, they’re the same. I feel like a lot of things were removed but Im not entirely sure what Give us back our professional my.avast.com website and give this one back to whatever MySpace themer site you used. But to end on a happy note, its only my.avast.com I don’t like. Avast the software is pretty awesome. However, all the things I really liked where on the old site.
Eu tambem nao gostei desse novo layout. O antigo era bem mais leve e prático.
I also do not like this new layout. The old was much more lightweight and practical.
Sorry you don’t like. There is unfortunately no way to go back to the old one.
Horrible interface, lenta, pesada, faltan acciones, alto consumo de datos.
Acciones que faltan :
*Eliminar notificaciones antiguas.
*Eliminar datos de posicion antiguos.
*Filtrar datos de posición por fechas.
*No se puede mover, ampliar o reducir de forma correcta el mapa de las localizaciones.
Estos son motivos para no volver a renovar la licencia.