New license and Clients showing as expired


I recently upgraded from a 60 license to 130. My problem is, even after the upgrade I’m getting clients still showing as expired. I have restarted the avast service, restarted the avast server, and still get the same thing on some workstations. Is there possibly a way to check to see where those clients are looking for the license at? I know the old avast console did via command line, but I dont see that command with this version.

Okay so I found where the client is looking for the server, it is correct. The license on the client shows valid until 12-13-12, however when I try to manually update definition files, it throws an error “license is not valid”


If you try to redeploy the client to one of the affected machines are you then able to update?

could you provide me your customer number to check the license? Or send me your license to my avast email. I can check if it’s reproducible… When was your license issued?