New MacOS and avast! user

Hi all!

I am a new MacOS user and recently installed avast! Antivirus for Mac and have a couple of questions:

  1. I have installed the license file (avast! → License…) in one of my user accounts; i.e. the Admin account. Do I need to install that file in all user accounts? Also, when I run avast! when logged on to my Admin account, the ‘about’ box is always displayed. Is there any way to stop that?

  2. Even though I have disabled the “Mail Support” option, every time I start avast! a dialog box is asking me to enter my e-mail details. Is there something else I need to do in order to stop that? Is it possible to configure avast! so that it is compatible with Thunderbird?


  1. you should not have to enter the license on every user. Currently the about box on startup is the default behavior and I do not know of a way to change it.

  2. Avast currently only works with Apple Mail. I do not know about the email details popup. Wait for Zilog to answer that.


  1. install it for users that need its scanning services. under administrator, you have access to all the stuff on the machine’s discs, so it’s quite wise for ocassional global machine on-demand scanning. on the other hand, for user accounts that for example download a lot of stuff from Internet (potentially malicous), it might be good to have avast! running in this account too.

Please note that the windows-like idea of one global protection, controlled by one particular user, would break the user-separation security principle (user that’s currently logged in would be prompted to handle, for example, malicous file that was dropped by another user, working via ssh). That’s why the app keeps the user separation.

  1. Remove and/or rename the file Applications/avast!.app/Contents/Resources/GetRuleScript.txt. The dialog is caused by the first run of Mail application (when there’s no account set yet), and the Mail app itself is spawned by AppleScript (which is spawned to check the consistency between rule setting and the state of avast’s preferences).


pc and zilog thanks so much for the responses!

zilog, I tried the following (via a Terminal window in my Admin account) but I get a permission deny :frowning: Do you have any ideas how I could delete and/or rename the file. I’m pretty sure this is something basic but this is my first MacOS system :wink:


just switch to root (administrator) - command ‘su’.
This account exists but is usually disabled by default, so it’s necessary to unblock it first (there are various methods):
