This is not an AVAST problem but I think it worth spreading the news on every forum that there is an apparently new version of the familiar nasty email attachment problem that people may have received recently. Maybe limited to the UK but could well apply further afield too.
I had it today and I, of course, took all the precautions I could as I was immediately suspicious for a number of reasons.
Typically the email will appear to come from an apparently legitimate ticket agency confirming purchase by credit card (Mastercard) of over a hundred pounds worth of tickets for a theatre production of some sort. If you are foolish enough to open the “attached tickets” it will enable malicious code onto your computer.
Blacklist the email address immediately and make sure the post is deleted.
Some people might think this is a generous freebie or, as I did for a split second, think it was an accidental email misdirection and being a helpful soul think about trying to find out who they were supposed to be sent to. Then my brain kicked in. Others, if they’re dishonest, might even think to try to use them. Whatever the case DON’T DO IT!
I’ve no idea if AVAST would have blocked this code but if you’ve read this post, with any luck, you won’t need to find out.
fake E-mails is not new … happens evry day. Most common fake mail from UPS / FedEx / DHL / facebook / Nigeria scam / …
If you are foolish enough to open the "attached tickets" it will enable malicious code onto your computer.
download and save attachment, upload and test it at if tested before, click rescan ... post link to scan result here
delete saved attachment
I know this sort of email attachment thing is far from new but this is the first time in 14 years of emailing I’ve been on the receiving end.
When I checked around a bit this particular thing appeared to be fairly new. The company from whom the email apparently (but did not) come from was clearly having to deal with an unknown number of concerned enquiries from people who have received the dodgy email in the last few days. They were not happy.
If my warning saves just one person from making a mistake and infecting their machine I thought it worth doing. Possibly less work for AVAST experts here too trying to sort out whatever damage the malign attachment may have caused.
I’ve already deleted the email and blocked the address but if I get anything like this again I’ll follow your later suggestion. Thanks.
@ Cluster-Lizard2014
A topic that may enlighten you.
It’s a topic that’s often discussed during my presentations. If this is your first time to run into one of these,
you’ve been very lucky.