New Matousec Results !

Glad i stayed with Avast 5 Free & Online Armor Free !!! Boy did NIS 2010 drop way down !

AIS firewall needs more work . :frowning:


Believe me when you will get hacked the most up to date programs you have is what matter +powerful incoming firewall,since the real hacking need exploiting systems not put …,blah,blah and leaks,and what they need to polish firewalls,

I think that Avast ned too work on his Firewall because it’s very important too be save , i hope the firewall of Avast wi’ll be as good as the one of Commodo because that one is great.

I just couln’t careless for Matousec and his leak tests. He is only interested of testing the HIPS part of the Firewall, not the Firewall itself. ???

the really important one is the " incoming ",def+ of comodo is good in protection of malwares but it need and experience one not person with "allow"or"block"in his mind

AIS is a suite with the antimalware part. Disabling it for testing is just a way to confirm that Matousec’s tests are biased (toward Comodo, for instance). They’re not independent.

maybe they pay better… ;D

Exactly those test are biased and flawed. Also why the heck is he testing Mamutu? as far as I know Mamutu is not even a Firewall ???

exactly, it isn’t! but it looks nicer, if the competitors get lower testing results…

It’s only a question of $$$$$ 8)

nevertheless, avast fw does! need some enhancements…

For what? To meet the Mautosec mind? For what?
Everything needs improvement. Just that Mautosec tests aren’t a trustable source, are they’re not independent.

it’s never bad 2 make a good thing work better.
and no, not 4 matousec (i don’t care bout these testings), but 4 all of us users! :smiley:

And of course is that what the devs are working with. I am sure they also want to make the software better :slight_smile:

But for sure they’re not relying in Matousec tests… They prove nothing…
About the leak tests limitations: