New PDA version Bug ?

Current version running on a H2210 with Pocket 2003. Installs runs scans Lovely…

Can’t Update patterns gives the following error…

Failed error

Bug or not included feature or I’m not doing something right

PDA is using bluetooth to access GPRS internet access via orange UK GPRS account, which is working correctly.

Bilbo, thanks.

According to a search in Google it seems to be a change in behavior between PPC2002 and 2003. :-\

We’ll update the code to work on PPC2K3 as well (fortunately there is a work around discussed there, too) and release new binaries.

Sorry for this, and thanks for pointing this out!

thanks for the s wift reply where would I find this work around to temp fix this issue Many Kind regards in advance for your help in these matters

Hello Bilbo, now you can download fixed version (here) - please let me know if it helps. Thanks!

No luck with new second downloaded version. Same error as before.

We’re pleased to say that the latest version (available on our servers) solves this problem, and is therefore fully compatible even with the new PocketPC2003 platform!