New potential user! :o)

Okay, everyone, the newb has some questions. ;D
For the last 4 years I have used Norton products…my old comp still has it installed. The new one has AVG. I have a few issues with AVG (and we won’t even go there with Norton, lol) one being that I like to KNOW that my antivirus is working BEFORE a virus is downloaded onto my computer. (yes, I’m an OE user! ) Norton, would at least remove a virus and notify you that one had been found AS it was downloading the email. AVG does not…they wait until AFTER you’ve opened the attachment to say “Hey, guess what?? You got a virus! Now just TRY and remove it” lol
No, I don’t know this is FOR SURE what it says, I just feel that if I were not at least a LITTLE virus literate, I woulda done been infected, cuz I’ve downloaded a bunch with no alert from AVG.
Now, someone tell me how much BETTER AVAST! is, and how well I’m gonna like it, and how that even a moron like myself will be protected. ::slight_smile:

Oooopppppppsssssss!!! Knew I’d forget SOMETHING! OS is Windows XP and running Zone Alarm for Firewall. Just in case anyone is interested! ;D

Avast home edition is free and has a virus bulletin score that is above average? That because Avast is free and has a virus bulletin score that is above average plus a free support forum? That’s better!

Could you break this down for me?? (I told ya I was a moron!, lol)

Bottom lilne…I receive anywhere from 500 to 1000 emails a day, every day…I admin right at 450 mailing lists where all the good junk, spam, trash, virus’ bounce back to me…I HAVE to be protected. My puter just means too much to me. ;D

It’s just an organization that gives out 100% Awards. Not all AV programs pass every single time. Not even Norton but Avast doesn’t do too bad on these tests.

Hmmmmmmm…and definitely did better than Grisoft is there ANY program that can guarantee 100% that I’ll never become infected??

Thanks, Culpeper!

I wish there was :-[ Sort of like wondering if they will ever make an airplane that is guaranteed to never crash. Give Avast a try. It’s email scanner doesn’t use up all your resources like AVG.

Plus, with the amount of email you get a day it would be a great test bed for Avast’s email scanner capabilities. The Alwil Team, which is active on this board, would be very interested.

Probably will, Culpeper, gotta do something! As I said, don’t like not knowing if it’s working! lol Even if it doesn’t work like it should, at least I FEEL protected if I can see it doing something. (Did ANY of that make sense??) :o

Can someone tell me WHY Avast failed the latest VB comparative? To be honest with you, I really don’t put THAT much importance on VB’s tests, but I’d like to know why…


It has already been explained on this board - it was the technical problem this time…

BTW: Some older (but not so old!) VB comparative test results are available on the net now! See this thread.


But how do you down load it?? ??? I have been tring scince i learned about it to no avail. i have even registered it. I’m head back to e-mail now for code number. :stuck_out_tongue:
Thanks, Alice

Phils barbie, im new to avast also, used to have NAV, and panda i hated them both, So i went to try advast. I can honestly say its an awesome product, and im glad i found it. i did have some trouble setting up a spam program i had, but that wasnt avast fault, it was the spam program I hate spam from sunbelt. But all of that is fixed now, got rid of that program and am now using Spampal…

But from a new users word, its a good program, ran many test by sending virus to my computer thru various test sights and it alerted me to them all. Even found some virus that NAV left behind. Im extremely happy with this program and am reccomending it to anyone i talk to and all the forums i belong to…

Also another side point, is the forum here, awesome people who are here to help you with anything…

Well good luck to you,

Thanks everyone, I really appreciate all of your replies…now I just have to work up enough nerve to actually do the changeover! (I’m such a scairty chicken!) :wink: