new problem

Hi new to the forum
but not new to avast
have been running it for years now
but have come up on a problem I havent had before

u torrent keeps crashing and someone on their forums have asked if avast has rules for u torrent if so they have to be removed and re entered ?

anyone give me aclue

problem with u torrent has only started after upgrading u torrent

By default avast doesn’t scan uTorrent in the P2P shield because of the way it works, creating multiple small files which it then cobbles together and this creates a lot of scanning activity by avast and could slow performance.

So if there was no problem before the utorrent update, nothing has changed in the way avast handles utorrent. Have they enabled utorrent in the P2P Shield, Customize ?

Sorry I can’t be a lot of practical help I don’t use P2P applications.

no noting changed on avast just a u torrent update

That is basically what I’m saying, so it would be something on the utorrent side if avast hasn’t changed the way it deals with utorrent.

yer they say any rules for u torrent need to be reset but I dont know how to do this
mayb I should re install both lol

As I said (by default utorrent isn’t selected in the P2P shield) there aren’t any rules to be set for utorrent in avast as it doesn’t use rules, the P2P shield either scans content or it doesn’t.

thanks for your help guys seems it was windows security on vista causing the issue

now to look for a free half decent fire wall

You’re welcome.

  • There are many freeware firewalls such as, Comodo, PCTools Firewall Plus, Jetico, etc. - Zone Alarm free works fine with avast and has a reasonably friendly user interface, however, the free version is becoming bloated with trial ware and is also crippled as far as outbound protection goes In the Program Control, configuration area, the slider will only goes as far as Medium protection, if you want more you have to buy the Pro version.

See A Forum discussion on free firewalls