NEW PRODUCT - avast! Free Antivirus for Mac 7.0 (RELEASED 04/26/2012)

Anyone know how to uninstall the avast Beta? I deleted the .app file from application folder and that didn’t remove avast from menu bar.

unnistall in menu bar first

how do i do that?

I admit the uninstall is not yet too friendly. Right now the uninstall option is only in the menu of the main GUI app.

Unfortunately that’s exactly what you have moved to Trash. So the easiest way for you is to restore it from Trash (if not yet emptied) or perform install again, then run the app and choose Uninstall from its menu.


uninstall is available in the menubar (as written explicitly in the release notes). You can install the application again OR put the app from trashcan back to /Applications, and to the proper uninstall action.


hello, avast free antivirus for Mac has been updated daily? and i can use it for default antivirus until final release? (works with bugs only or with security risks) :slight_smile:

::slight_smile: OK ;D

I install Avast! Free For Mac Beta" ;D

I’m so happy and thanks AVAST Team for free release :slight_smile:

When finl version has been released? please use 2-ways for downlod:

  1. by Apple App Store :-\
  2. download by AVAST site :wink:

This is great news, You have no idea how excited I am about this being released for Mac. This definitely shows drive and self worth within’ your company…I can tell you’re thinking of ways to protect both platforms. Thanks for providing top notch products to us users.

at the moment we don’t publish this product on AppleStore, the application should be downloaded from the link pointing to our site (because of beta refreshing).


Featured in Tweaking with Vishal:


we also translated the official press release to German language now: avast! for Mac Press Release in the German Community Forums

For now we received one feedback of a user who tested it. The product is properly working, but he asked why he can’t disable Web and Mail-Shield seperatly from each other?

Please see the “Mailshield problem” thread for info about disabling/enabling network shields. :slight_smile:

AutoUpdate takes a few minutes?
VPS version: 110518-0 is still 8)

I understand that in order for the Mail shield to work I have to deactivate SSL in my email client. In the first post it is noted that Avast automatically encrypts “outgoing” (I’m quite sure this has to read “incoming” instead, since we are talking about POP3/IMAP and not SMTP) traffic by default and that encryption can be enforced in the Mail shield settings. I have two questions concerning this statement:

  1. How can I test and confirm that my incoming emails are indeed coming over an encrypted connection?
  2. How can I access the Mail shield settings? I could not find any settings/preferences/… in the avast GUI.

Found mac defender on a poisoned search result for comedian Jen Kirkman. Was not detected by the mac beta but Avast 5 on windows found it just fine. In fairness it got past every mac anti-malware program I’ve thrown it against apart from Sophos and ClamAv (which sussed it on out of date definitions surprisingly) but this is THE mac malware you want to be defending against right now.

You are right, there should be of course incoming as we handle POP3/IMAP connections.

You can do so for example using the wireshark ( tool. During the IMAP/POP3 session you should see an unencrypted POP3/IMAP connection on your localhost interface (lo0) and an encrypted POPs/IMAPs session on the external interface.

Currently it is not possible to configure the shields using the GUI, but you can use the configuration file

/Library/Application Support/Avast/com.avast.proxyclient.conf

to configure the network shields.

Hallo, next beta-refresh will have all those flaws corrected.


This will be an automatic upgrade or the user will need to uninstall the existing build and install the fresh one?

these beta-builds must be updated by downloading the new package (and the old package will be automatically purged, when you start the new one). Virus database is updated automatically in background (or, newly, on request too).
