2016-03-11 17:14:08Errorpkgengine[2312,6316]UpdateVPXs: package ais_core was not updated. Status: 41227 (0x0000A10B) [Downloader system error]
2016-03-11 17:14:08Infostats[2312,4760]Downloaded files: 64 (28502,36 KB)
2016-03-11 17:14:08Infostats[2312,4760]Download time: 14:07
2016-03-11 17:14:12Infoservers[2312,4760]Server definition(s) loaded for ‘C:\Users\ANDREA~1\AppData\Local\Temp_av_iup.tm~a09340\servers.def’: 29 (maintenance:0)
2016-03-11 17:14:12Infoservers[2312,4760]ChooseServer: selected server ‘Download j6948468 AVAST9 Server’ with current url ‘http://v7.stats.avast.com/cgi-bin/iavs4stats.cgi’ of type ‘URL_TYPE_STATS2’.
2016-03-11 17:14:13Infodldwrap[2312,3832]HttpPost: ok with http status: 403
2016-03-11 17:14:13Infodldwrap[2312,3832]HttpPost: ok with http status: 403
2016-03-11 17:14:14Infodldwrap[2312,3832]HttpPost: ok with http status: 403
2016-03-11 17:14:14Infodldwrap[2312,3832]HttpPost: ok with http status: 403
Tried creating a Rescue Disc. Would not create the USB. This need attention.
After some time of the system being up, there are times the Avast UI can’t be reached.
Neither the shortcut to the UI or the click on the systray icon work.
You need to reboot the system to again gain access to the UI. This also needs attention.
What OS are you using Ok, i see your signature, what a shame I just created rescue disc using latest beta and WIN 7 64b. However, we will pay more attention to it.