New *release* build of avast now available (5.0.545)


it’s my pleasure to announce the general availability of a new avast program update, version number 5.0.545.

Most notable improvements include:
• Solved a bug related to submission of false positives
• Improvements in the Behavior Shield (realtime antirootkit part)
• Sandbox: many functional, stability and performance improvements
• Firewall: VPN compatibility fixes (should now work even in Public zone etc)
• Firewall: solved an issue related to hang and/or crash of the afwServ.exe process
• Finally works with major screen readers (avast is now blind-friendly)
• Compatibility improvements in the Web Shield
• Various fixes in the Outlook antispam add-in
• Improved detection of droppers
• Setup program of the Pro AV now also accepts v4.x license keys
• Right-to-left support
• Added Croatian and Arabic language packs

Thank you

updated here, np :wink:

Is the Sandbox functional now?

well it’s always been ;D it’s just supposed to work better than before…

ok cool

yay the firewall crash is fixed ;D
its my favorite feature

But look at this video:
I hope it’s 100% safe now, after all its supposed to be used for browsing dangerous things.

Yeah, video was taken on January when avast5 was released. Since then, most problems (e.g. GloobyGoob’s links) were already solved. There were not many significant changes in the sandbox core lately, because we think it works fairly well and now we try to focus on compatibility issues, speedup and add more virtualization layers. If you find a sandbox compatibility problem, just let us know and we promise to fix it asap. Thanks guys.

thank you pk, for clearing that up

Just updated and about to reboot, relatively painless on dial-up quite a small download less than 1MB very good.

does the webshield compatibility have anything to do with the webshield scanning issue i had? and what do u mean by it now accepts vs 4.xx licenses? like u the licenses that arent in lic files?

All works fine for me on two computers, Pro and Free. No issues to report. :slight_smile:

Thanks for the upgrade. Flawless install, no problems. ;D

Yes, everything is running smoothly, no problems. Thank you Alwil Team ;D

Amen brother, downloading it right now and uninstalling eset trial.

4/100th’s more on the road to 5.1 and an available boot scan for me :slight_smile: Installed, all is well so far, thanks for ongoing improvements :wink:

Upgraded from .507 to .545 using program’s built in
loader. No problems. Running smoothly (including
the E-mail/Newsgroup shield). Great work Alwil.

Just updated, no problems. ;D

Also have updated through built in updater and have rebooted, all is fine :wink:

Same here Vlk no problems ;D ;D :wink:

my FW log is flooded with endless blocked connection.

Why ?

Pressing the “clear log” button [@ FW log screen] - Does nothing ! the blocked connection entries are not deleted.

A bug ?