Guys, Avast released more server locations a few days ago.
Before, we had:Australia - Melbourne / Brazil - Sao Paulo / Canada - Toronto and Montreal / China - Hong Kong / Czech Republic - Prague / Finland - Helsinki / France - Paris / Germany - Frankfurt / Italy - Milan / Japan - Tokyo / Mexico - Mexico City / Netherlands - Amsterdam / Poland - Warsaw / Russia - Moscow and St. Petersburg / Singapore - Singapore / Spain - Madrid / Turkey - Instanbul / United Kingdom - London / USA - Chicago, Dallas, Miami, New York, Salt Lake City, San Francisco and Seattle;
Now, we have more options:USA - Atlanta, Boston, Honolulu, Jacksonville, Las Vegas, Phoenix and Washington DC / New Zealand - Auckland / Germany - Berlin / Spain - Barcelona / Belgium - Brussels / Hungary - Budapest / Denmark - Copenhagen / United Kingdom - Glasgow / South Africa - Johannesburg / Malaysia - Johor Bahru / Portugal - Leiria / Luxembourg - Luxembourg / Norway - Oslo / Israel - Petah Tikva / South Korea - Seoul / Sweden - Stockholm / Austria - Vienna / Switzerland - Zurich;
PS: some “new options” were available before, but i cannot remember exactly which are they. But new servers were released, indeed.
[FIXED in 31/01/2018]
The server list is way too big and it’s not possible to see every server available because it does not fit on the screen. This issue only occurs with monitors with 1366x768 or less resolutions.
Only in “SecureLine VPN - Standalone” version.
Someone, please, report this issue to Avast? Thanks!
[Added in 09/01/2018]
And, please, add more German servers, guys.
This Frankfurt server is not good as it was. A lot of IP Address being recognized by Google as “Czech Republic” and some “low speed” (not constant) issues.
Indeed! It’s so good to see the SecureLine VPN growing even more.
About the new IP’s, London (or another future UK server) and Frankfurt (or another future German server) needs more, indeed.
New server locations added a few days ago. First post updated.
Dumper, now we have “Glasgow - UK” server. You can try and see if you can watch your content again.
The “Sao Paulo - Brazil” server is not providing brazilian IP addresses, only USA IP’s. So, for now, this server is not “available”. [FIXED]
Asyn, please, can your report it to Avast as well? Now we have two issues, the server list that does not fit on the screen, which is even worst now after the new server aditions (that i posted today). And this “Sao Paulo - Brazil” issue (you can see the full report here:
I’m also having the same issue where I can’t access all of the server locations from the drop down menu, which is a huge problem for me because I often use the Sao Paulo server!
We are aware of this inconvenience which is caused by the recent growth of locations you can connect to. This can occur on some devices with insufficient display resolution (like laptops etc.). The fix is already prepared and will be part of upcoming program update (the scrollbar will be added to be able to navigate through all locations).
Please can you advise when the there will be a way to access the full list of locations. I cannot see any locations below Milan because of the expansion of locations in the USA and the first part of the alphabet. My subscription is waste of money until this is fixed.