[new skin] avast! Vista GUI (aVist) completed...

Very nice work, Sasha! :smiley:

Hopefully, the awil team will reply soon. :slight_smile:

Sasha actually needs Alwil to reply to 2 of his posts.
This is one of them HERE is the other.

Yes true… and in the mean time I made myself another avatar… boy I was really bored to death, lol ;D ;D ;D

Or dreaming… of things soon to be… :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile:
We are so happy for both of you. :slight_smile:

Thanks Bob ! Yes, not so soon, but in the same time very close :slight_smile:

Christmas baby… best of all, our due date is really 25th of December… Christmas time and presents ! :slight_smile: For sure it’s gonna be the best present one can wish for.


Sorry guys but I am forced to do this…

Alwil dudes ? ;D

Dont worry Sasha I am sure they will take your skin off… he he just one not salty joke… ;D

The aVist skin looks great, so i am sure that they will respond to you…maybe they are too busy with something

Oh, sorry for a delayed reply, but I am not reading this general category so often.

Very nice skin Sasha (as usual :). Thank you very much for it.

Please can you send me download link/file itself by e-mail or via PM? Also add some short text you want to have on skin’s page.

edit: I forgot, sorry. Congrats for your upcoming baby :slight_smile:

Nice one Sasha, definitely your best yet ;D

It’s a pity… :‘( :’(

No problems my friend…

I remember Igor, Pavel or Vlk (can’t recall for sure) told me once that you guys are not visiting this part of the forum too often, but I didn’t want to “polute” any other part of the forum with non-security related topic, so I thought this would be the best… that’s why I asked Vlk in the past if we can have a separate forum where we could post skins related topics (updates/changes etc.).

Anyway, thanks for responding ! :wink: The only problem right now is, I don’t have your e-mail address. If someone can send it to me, I would greatly appreciate it.

Yes, baby changed my life completely, and I just can’t wait to meet that little human being… few more months to go.

Thanks !

The only problem right now is, I don't have your e-mail address.
Check his profile..... :) :)

Ugh, stupid me… I was looking at his post while not logged in so you don’t see e-mail and some other icons below the avatar area.

Now I have it…

Thanks !

Download link for aVist skin by SZCraftec.

Thank you again Sasha.

Thanks Alwil !

Is there any info on when will that skin be available from official avast! skins download section ?

Take a look at the LAST skin on that page. Does it look familiar? :slight_smile: ;D :slight_smile:

Is this enough answer? :))
I thought that I wrote it in my e-mail, that it will be published after VPS update.

Yes thanks Chocholo, thanks !

Unfortunatelly I didn’t receive your e-mail after I sent you skin installation file. Must be that ended up in my Spam folder. I’ll check it now.

Also, it would be better if new skins are placed on the top of the page and not at the bottom. At least I think it would look better and easier for people to realise that there are some new skins ready for downloading.

Hi :slight_smile:
If i want to change the skin that i am using, do i have to have the avast! pro, or this is also possible for the home free edition???

You don’t need the pro version.