I removed the old Small Office Administration (SOA) Console ( software from my Windows Server 2012r2 and installed the new SOA Console with mirror ( Things looked very similar.
- Can’t access the SOA Console using an IE (11) browser on the server (no change from last versions).
- Can’t access the SOA Console using an Edge browser on a Windows 10 client.
- Can access the SOA Console using an IE (11) browser on a Windows 10 client (no change from BETA version).
- Console found clients across the network and identified the versions of the Avast! EPSP on each client.
- Pushing a new version of Avast! EPSP to the clients failed.
- Installed Avast! EPSP on Windows 10 client, logged into the SOA Console using this client, the SOA Console would show an exclamation mark across the client’s icon.
This is the same action I discovered with the BETA version last week.
Software not ready for primetime folks.
I’ve being using Avast! for several years but I’m going to move on to something else, my license is up in just a couple weeks.