New to Avast but Ysriaetv still wont go away

I read about the Buddy.exe [UPX] problem in the forum. Could my Ysriaetv be similar. The virus scan indicates that it is in c:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\ysriaetv.exe [UPX]. I cannot delete, move, rename this file and the error messate is : Error occured during file move, delete, rename (etal): UPX file is corrupted. I am on a dial up service and things have been slow enough and sometimes I am lucky to stay on line to get what little info that I have. I am not stupid but I don’t know everything about computers and am extremely frustrated. Is the response to Buddy.exe my best bet or is there something that is geared a bit more to the non-guru of computers.

Thanks for any help.


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