New to AVast - help please

??? Have just gone over to avast after AVG refused to update and need a little help - quite simply - Can you schedule updates, If so, HOW ???

Hi vicious_sid :wink:
Welcome to the forum.
Well you need to update the avast after the installation, here you can find info on how to set up and update avast, just click the link

Good luck! 8)
O, and by the way please resize your avatar.

How do I do that - resize the avatar that is (sorry)

This is more in line with the forum requested Avatar size.

Welcome to the forum.

You can set the program and the virus database updates to manual, automatic or ask mode…

Hows this?

Looks better 8)

sorry…help…stie cineva romaneste ? vreau sa-mi instalez un site tip" photo frame "…am gasit mai multe , dar erau virusate ( m-a salvat avast )! ma poate ajuta cineva ??? multumesc !

So this is the only options to “schedule” updates ??? Is there no way to set update for a specific day ??? Every time I turn my PC on Avast updates. I am not like most users who might just leave their PC running and it has gotten very annoying when I have had to get on more than twice in the same day. Dont get me wrong, I love Avast and think its they shizzz, been pirate since pirate wasn’t even cool!!! Know what I mean 8)

Yes, on the Professional version there are these options…

Do you mean it’s annoying that avast updates itself more than once per day?
Just increase the auto-update time on Update (Basic) > Details tab of settings…

Thanx again!!! and sorry im soooooo retarded 2nite. i only have another 4 days to get everything here at home running b4 i leave for cali. this includes lawns, pc, whathaveya (lil bit redneck too) Anyhow, ill try not to be such an idiot in the future and post the same stuff in 3 spots :-X

I need help with avast also.
I have just gone to DSL. Everyone who sends me mail with a yahoo address Avast says it has a potential virus detected.
you can tell it to continue and if it has a file attached it will delete it.
Ive even sent mail to my dsl address from a yahoo I created and it says detects virus…

Did you change the Heuristic settings of Internet Mail provider and/or Outlook plugin?
Which program are you using to send/receive email?

i AM using Out look express

avast will tell you what is suspicious (I don’t think it is saying it is a virus) about the email and it sounds like iFrame tag.

Check the avast! Log Viewer (right click the avast icon), Warning section, this contains information on all avast detections.

Sounds like yahoo’s your problem. I personally dont use it and have a special filat my ISP to make sure all code in it is “de-active” when it hits me. 8)