I’ve just recently discovered Avast and I love it… it found many viruses that NV hadn’t… however, I have one question. With every virus it found, I could not repair or move the infected files. I could only delete it or had to leave it alone. I know VRDB is suppose to help repair files… and I clicked on Generate Now in the opitions. Is there any other way I can repair files in the future instead or just deleting or leaving them alone. Thank you so much!
:-[ I too have this problem,how do you know you can delete ???
VRDB needs to generate a database of good files on ur comp
1st you have to generate vrdb
then u can recover lost or corrupted files
right click blue avast icon in system tray
then point to VRDB
then Click “what is avast! VRDB?”
You will get all the information there 8)
;D ty for your reply however i have deleted the files,so far the commy is running fine,so just hope i can continue this way :-\
thanks for your help! But there is a file that shows up as being infected and I cannot delete, repair, move, rename or anything like that at all. When I go to use one of these options, it just says access denied, or that the file is being used. Any suggestions on what to do with such files? ??? thanks again!
Assuming you’ve got a system on which it’ll work (XP, and I forget which others), try a boot-time scan. That runs before Win loads, so most if not all files should be accessible at that point.