New to Avast

I recently uninstalled McAfee Virus Scanner after I had problems with it. I downloaded Avast Antivirus. After I try to load it up to put the registration key in it comes up with a lot of errors. I do not know how to put a screenshot on but I do know what the errors say.
Here they are:
They are all in a blue box
Storage cannot be created for the the “Splash” tank

Configuration is not loaded properly Error: dbsCreateObject

Program cannot save parameters to the storage(Error: dbsCreateObject)

If anyone could please help me I would greatly appreciate it.
Thank you in advance

If you can wait untill tomorrow morning, I’m quite sure that somebody of avast! team could tell you preciselly what is happening.

Your problem could be caused by problem with ODBC or MS Jet driver. I suggest you changing the “Database” key of “data\avast4.ini” file from “ODBC” to “XML” and boot the computer. You can also update these Microsoft components.

More information about the avast4.ini file you can see here

Thank you. I can wait until tomorrow morning.

Ok, but the solution that I gave you was tested before in this forum and works… 8)

Thank you for your help. I changed what you told me to and it worked.

Technical, a question on that great explanation of avast.ini which I’ve just now read?

Unless I’ve gone completely bonkers, somewhere in the avast Help relating to the VRDB it says you can modify the default 3 weeks between VRDB updates by editing the ini. But I can’t for the life of me find any reference to that in the ini itself or in your explanation.

Since my old system was a write-off (BIOS died of old age, I think) and I’m doing a lot of re-installing old favorites on my new system, it would probably be useful to run that update more often, at least for a while. I know there’s always that “Update now” in a pinch, if I can’t modify how often it updates itself.

Thanks and best,

P.S. I’m using 4-home, by the way. And while maybe this question more properly belongs in the forum for that, there was already this semi-relevant thread going here.


To set the time interval for the VRDB regeneration, use the value called RunInterval in the [VRDB] section. The value is specified in minutes, i.e., its default (21 days) is 602421=30240. For example, to set the interval to one week, you’d use the setting RunInterval=10080.


Thanks Hornus. I have already updated the information at my avast4.ini compilation forum. I added some other itens too 8).

MikeBCda, I think you are fully answered… :wink:

Much obliged, Hornus and Technical :slight_smile:

I suppose I could have eventually worked out for myself that 30240 is 3 weeks’ worth of minutes – but I must have missed that RunInterval line entirely (what else is new? ;D )

Are new some itens:

[tr][td]Section and Keys[/td][td]Values[/td][td]Notes and value description[/td][/tr]

[tr][td][UserInterface][/td][td] [/td][td]Enhanced User Interface (Professional Edition)[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]ShellExtensionIcon[/td][td]0[/td][td]If 0, will turn off displaying of the icon next to the avast item in the Explorer context menu; To show = 1[/td][/tr]

[tr][td]Section and Keys[/td][td]Values[/td][td]Notes and value description[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]iNews_Days[/td][td]7[/td][td]Number of days on which avast! iNews will be displayed after release[/td][/tr]

These are the ones I remember… 8)