new to virus software, Avast has irrating feature, can't deal with it


I find this message info coming up on the right lower left of my screen, going up and down to different levels at a random rate, which interferes with messages I am trying to respond to in a timely manner.

Is there a way to turn this off?

I would appreciate any infor you can provide, I am at the point where I am ready to look for a different virus program. I am on the trial with avast at this time, thank god, as I would be quite up set had I paid for this program and having to deal with this.

Thank you in advance for your help,
Most sincere,

P.S. Unfortunately, I am very busy these days and don’t have a lot of time to configure different systems, nor do I have a lot of know how on these issues either

Oh yeah, I don’t know that my email program is protected or how to find the id # for it, currently testing trial of msn, but do have a free yahoo email, till I can find one that I am comfortable with.

I don’t know if I understood you correctly…
A banner (blue and yellow) at the bottom of the screen was an option that you have ‘check’ (the default is ‘off’)… ;D
Click the blue ‘a’ icon on the System Tray.
When a window pop up, select the Standard Shield provider at left and click on Customize.
Go to Advanced tab.
Un-check the option ‘Show detailed information…’

You can do the same for the Internet Mail provider.

Hi Kate, is this what you’re talking about?;action=display;threadid=3693


I followed the instructions, and think it’s working - thanks!