New Update, new Tools I don't want.


Everytime Avast auto update to a new program version I have new Tools installed as well.
Is there any way to prevent this from happening as I never install any tools because I never want/use them?
Shouldn’t avast update ask if I want them in the first place?


You can remove the extras via Uninstall Programs - click to uninstall avast then choose change and untick the features you don’t want.

Best way to avoid the extras is to download the setup file and custom install over the top of existing version so you get the option to choose features.

Yes, I usualy go there and remove new tools but I don’t want to do that everytime because I have a small office with 10 computers and everytime I have to do it on every one of them…

Installing from setup would take more time.

It’s very unfortunate that we don’t have the option to stop Avast from installing new tools. :-\

I agree, on a standard update all options should be shown and unticked by default leaving the final decision as users choice.

Yes, that would certainly be the best!
I made a suggestion about it on “Avast 2015” topic.

you may try unchecky for those cases where you forget to uncheck :wink: install and forget

I noticed the post, something that has been requested/suggested for a long time unfortunately but we can always hope :wink:

Thanks! I’ll take a look. ;D

Well, let’s hope it happens this time.

I answered your post here

It was already answered here :wink: Cesar wasnt’ talking about VPS updates either, it concerns the auto installation of “ticked” unwanted features when updating via the UI.

Just my two cents…but for any A/V…especially Avast…I would do a clean uninstall & install using CUSTOM and uncheck what you don’t want. May be more cumbersome initially but seems to solve/avoid unwanted problems later as well. Also, this makes sure Chrome or Dropbox install doesn’t “sneak by” and install either.

Why aren’t you updating through the avast! Endpoint Protection ?