Hello, Avast Free recently updated in my version of Windows 10 automatically. I have the updated version of Windows 10. As soon as it had me restart my system, Avast stopped running. I have restarted my system twice. Does anyone have any suggestions?
I do get an exception code error about the same time that this application crashes with NET RUNTIME:
TESvc.exe exception code c0000005. It may relate to the problem why it has not run since the update. Something about trying to write to memory.
Until somebody who might know exactly what the problem is from your description and error code:-
Try running AVAST repair first.
If the problem remains afterwards and because this happened after an OS update:-
1). Try running CHKDSK on your OS drive and see if any errors are reported. If there are then run it again with the repair option enabled. That will require you to restart the computer and you’ll likely have a 5 minute wait whilst that is running.
2). Try running System File Checker.
Google how to do both for Windows 10.
Between them they will check if there is any HDD problem (bad sectors) or corruption in the OS files and rule those things out as the cause of your problem.
If you Google the error code mentioned it has been connected to problems with certain Windows OS files corrupting, most typically after a forced power down ie. an incorrect shutdown. I’d hope either CHKDSK or System File Checker would fix that.
If nothing is shown in either case and the problem remains then I’d next be tempted to run MemTest86+ to check for RAM module faults.
At the very least doing all this will give you something useful to do whilst waiting for a more AVAST focused solution. Whatever the case afterwards you’ll be pretty sure your hardware and Windows are healthy and not the cause of the trouble.