New user. I accidently deleted files during a pre boot scan. HELP!

I was trying to scan and selected delete files.
Now EVERY Excel file and photograph (jpg, gifs, etc) are gone from my hard drive.
How can I recover these? Any info would be greatly appreciated.

they where detected as infected then?
what malware name was given?

clean,quarantine or delete

if you recover…you will also recover the virus

PC inspector file recover

Thank you for the response Pondus.
I got hit with the Alureon-K virus and was following directions to perform a pre boot scan. It gives you prompts. I accidently choose “delete” and now all of my Excel, Word and anything picture related is gone. Even my Favorites have been deleted.
I down loaded the PC Inspector file recovery. But I admit I am not sure how to go about finding these items that were deleted.
Again, any advice would be greatly appreciated.

follow essexboys guide and attach (not copy and paste) the logs from malwarebytes / OTL / aswMBR

Essexboy will then help you when he arrive here later today

Watching ;D

I am not a computer guy by any means and dont pretend to be one. I looked at essexboy’s guide and I am a little confused/overwhelmed. I am going to have a friend who is a programmer assist me.

Look at it and take it in steps, one tool at a time and it shouldn’t be so daunting. If you don’t understand something just ask and we will try to help were we can.

I would recommend that you start with the roguekiller programme to recover you files, they may just be hidden