New User--Need Help

Thank you in advance for helping! I downloaded the free home use Avast! last night. Restarted my PC as directed.

I also have the following installs: AOL security system, AVG, LavaSoft and SpyBot. Once my PC restarted I got a message for AOL security system that I had one or more Anti-Virus systems install and they may conflict with each other, something to that effect.

When I tried to access the Internet, I was not able. I have WildBlue and also use AOL (free version). It said that the firewall was preventing access to the internet.

I fiddled around …tyring my darnest to resolve this issue and was not able too.

I finally uninstall Avast! and was able to access the internet.

So…how do I correct this issue? I would like to use Avast! but also need to use the internet. Thanks! Raven (posting from work) HA!

Firstly AOHell is correct it isn’t advised that you have two resident (active) AVs installed on the same system.

What you were more than likely experiencing though was the firewall blocking ashWebSv.exe from accessing the internet. What is your firewall ?

You could have achieved the same thing by pausing or terminating the Web Shield provider, if the allowed you access to the internet it is another indication that your firewall was blocking ashWebSv.exe.

I assume that AOHell’s security system also included an AV (or is that just a security analysis tool), if so that would make 3 AVs all fighting for control, avast is usually quite good and will disable elements of itself if it believes conflict may arise.

So what to do, ensure that you have the avast! setupeng file saved on your HDD, ensure you are off-line, uninstall AVG, reboot, Uninstall any AOHell AV if installed, reboot. Install avast, watch for prompts from your firewall for ashWebSv.exe, ashMaiSv.exe and avast.setup and allow them internet access.