New User Praise and a Question

Let me start by saying… What a GREAT PROGRAM. Years ago I started with Norton and it was fine…then it become a resource hog and they started charging more and more for updates. So I tried McAfee on my computers at home and Istill use it. I have been very happy with it , but again it gets costly. I bought my friends kid a computer two years ago, had Norton on it . It took forever to boot, If Norton Found a virus, it could never delete it, and they continue to want more and more of my cash. The computer ended up with Winfixer 2005 and adware and spyware all over. (What was I Paying for) It was time to pay again, so today I uninstalled Norton and decided to try Avast. I’ve read great things over the years and it was free. Avast found it’s first Trogan and couldn’t delete it, but told me it was in use by another program and asked if I wanted to use BOOT SCAN. I gave it a try. It was Fantastic!!! Finally a program that can actually delete the file. And best of all, it gave me the path for each file so I could ignore it until I was sure what the file was. Then I was able to use Boot Scan and only in the specific directory to clean those files. FANTASTIC !!!

I did one last scan within Windows running it normally.
I tried to tell it to specifically scan the c drive and F slave Drive (with the lower of three selections) on the program. The c drive has the win xp restore partiton (D) and i was trying to not scan that. Don’t like anything in there. For some reason I think I needed to select local drives also, can’t remember why now but then I also selected LOCAL DRIVES (the top selection). .

When it scanned it did C, D, F then started with C again.

Was that because I chose local drives and specifically said C and F again?

I eventually stopped the scan during the second time through C and the program gave me the info windows of files found and the fact they were moved to the chest. I did restart the program to see if it had logged the scan in the main window. It still said NOT DONE… I guess it was because I canceled before it completed ? Or does the free version just not log it.

Again it was a Fantastic experience even though I was a Little Confused ! I think McAfee will be on their way out of my home computers also !

Welcome to the best 8)


Please, don’t install two antivirus in the same system at the same time 8)

Thanks Tech.

If I actually complete a scan without stopping it will it log on the front panel as completed or does it always say NOT DONE.? I noticed in the comparison chart the free version did not save history.

I spent hours last night reading through this forumn. What a vast amount of knowledge, on alot of things. I saw the post about people that don’t have sp2 installed. I keep all my other updates current , but I’ve been waiting to really trust SP2 has no real issues. A friend lost his ability to create restore points. Don’t need that, it has saved my rear to many times. Not to mention all the HP updates I’ll have to do to my computer. I figured if I had a firewall, antivirus, adware and spyware programs already, what was I to gain.
Am I wrong about that?

If I actually complete a scan without stopping it will it log on the front panel as completed or does it always say NOT DONE.? I noticed in the comparison chart the free version did not save history.]

Yep it will as long as it is a full system scan

If I actually complete a scan without stopping it will it log on the front panel as completed or does it always say NOT DONE.? I noticed in the comparison chart the free version did not save history.
When allowed to complete the scan you will see Scan Info: Number of scanned files/ folders. Run Time of last Scan. Number of Infected files. Total size of scanned files. View Report of last Scan . This will be an active link to open the log viewer and you can check the report.

psychojs, open the The Menu, which is top left button of your ‘Panel’ (skin), there you’ll find a drop down list . Select " settings" to select all your preferences. ie: Scan Options, logging , log viewer, exceptions to scans, etc.
Each section has HELP for the particular item.
Hope this explains your question.

As posted before, you need to run a full hard disks scanning and not choose some areas. Even if you choose My computer the skin will only report when you run the full hard disks scanning.

What do you mean, to turn back before SP2 ? I think you should not want this. Maybe you can’t make a restore point because the amount of updates from SP2 are really huge.
But, if I were you, I won’t lose SP2 for nothing. All other stuffs should be, today, already solved. In fact, I’ll run to SP2 as soon as I can ;D