New User/Sum Questions

Here Goes:

1)In the options settings (alerts), I have done nothing. I assume this is to send messages to other uses or to myself if avast finds a virus and I am not around? Because this is my only Pc and because I will always be around if avast finds a virus - I guess I can leave this section as is… I don’t need to send any alerts right? Should I delete the options or leave them as they are…

Here are a list of the options:

Windows Messanger

2)What’s the deal with report file in the options menu? I enabled it so that I can check in the future what viruses avsat has found - this is what it’s for right? Basically it exists so that I can “watch” what avast has done…?

3)Options SMTP… If I understand the help file, this is relative to question number 1 (about sending alerts). Since I don’t have to send alerts, I don’t need to activate this? I’m just checking…

My most important question so far…

VRDB… I have it set for idle, but checked the “run VRDB now” option because this is the first time I’ve used the program and I would like it to do its stuff… But the ‘i’ has been spinning for a while and has yet to stop… If I don’t uncheck it, will it run forever… what exactly is it doing, and does it matter that I have the “system restore” option in XP turned OFF…

Again, thank you all for your help. I already realize I have made a great decision and intend to be a regular poster here…

By the way, hi… My name is Edgar.

Leave them there. You will receive a screen warning if a virus is found, unless you have the Professional version and set an automated process. Or you have Home version and set the ‘silent mode’ (which only send the virus to Chest).

Yes. In Home version you cannot ‘work’ with the results. You only store them (.txt or .xml files). In Pro version, you can handle and work with them. Do not mess report with logs. Logs (and Log viewer) are for errors and configurations. Reports are for scanning.

No, this is to send virus (infected files) to Alwil for analysis. If you want to do this, you must set that SMTP options. If not, let them blank.

More about VRDB could be found in the ‘Users FAQ’ link in my signature.
There is nothing to do with XP system restore. Is a database of virus recovery.
It’s done, by default, each 21 days. See ‘Seetings’ link bellow for more.

Wellcome Edgar :wink:

Thank You… I am providing my SMTP in the otions so I can send the info to ALWIL. ;D