new version, 23.7, use by Windows 7


Checking whether anyone using Windows 7 has had any problems with the new update. If possible, I’d like to know in advance before I update.


Hello, I think that someone who values the security of their computer will not use Windows 7 because it has already been discontinued and no longer has a security update.

Unhelpful and condescending ^.

He could be installing it on a VM or dual boot system; the reasons for wanting to use AVAST on a PC running Win7 are really nobody’s business. The OP needs to protect his PC and wants to use AVAST, that’s important thing and all that any replies here should be addressing.

The question remains: does the latest version work with Win7 or not?

Still does. Have not updated yet, because I like to wait a bit. I’ll do so very soon.

Tthought I would provide an update. Yesterday I saved the offline version for installing 23.6 for backup and then installed 23.7.

All is going very well except for one thing: my computer tends to overheat when I am online. When offline, even using data-intensive offline graphic programs, computer is cool. When online, however, the computer can run very hot, which is new.

I am investigating ways to ameliorate the problem. Haven’t seen anyone else with overheating problems.
I will keep you informed, and also welcome ideas, specifically related to aspects of 23.7 that potentially use more cpu.
Windows 7 64bit, ExpressVPN, Avast free Antivirus

To compare cpu usage, disable web shield to see if that fixes the issue.
Let us know if you notice a difference.

Well first this topic isn’t about CPU usage but “new version, 23.7, use by Windows 7”
Not to mention the OP “beatdok” reports his issue is clear.

Aside from that introducing risk, it would be easier not to browse the internet for a while whilst monitoring CPU activity rather than disable the Web Shield.

Aside 2 - aren’t you still using AVG ?

Hi DavidR,
As this is to help the user Beatdok, which he mentions “I will keep you informed, and also welcome ideas, specifically related to aspects of 23.7 that potentially use more cpu”. For this reason I suggested that he try disabling the web shield.
If the issue is resolved, then we will know what options to give it (unchecking analyze https could be one). And, as far as I know, the antivirus would end up neutralizing the threat even if the web shield was disabled. Anyway, I only suggested that he give it a try, not that he go on the dark web for hours. And yes, I try avg, avast, kaspersky, etc. So, I understand something about these things.
In any case, I’m sure Beatdok will make the decision he deems appropriate.
And, in any case, and seeing the bad vibes, it’s my last post on this matter.

Sorry, but for me disabling the Web Shield introduces risk, far greater than finding out if that is impacting the system.

There is also another factor that could impact, that being the ExpressVPN, so there is potential there also.

We also know nothing about beatdok’s system spec (Processor, RAM, HDD/SSD, etc), it would be guessing if the system matched the age of windows 7.

Hi Everyone,
Thanks for all the replies and suggestions. Here is my latest update. As you will recall, 23.6 was working fine on my Windows 7 computer but when I updated to 23.7 the computer overheated significantly when online. Thus I theorized that the problem related in some way to changes in 23.7. Since no one else reported this problem I am assuming that my theory was incorrect and the problem is specific to my computer. I therefore took steps to minimize CPU use. The most signifiant step was uninstalling ExpressVPN. Disabling it was not enough; I had to uninstall it. Now my computer is running at normal temperatures, possibly slightly warmer at times but WNL. Since there was no overheating problem at 23.6 I still think that some issue may exist with 23.7, but I am happy with Avast antivirus once again.

You’re welcome.

This is unfortunately what I was thinking about the VPN being the greater concern. I don’t use a VPN so I can’t speak from personal experience, but I think this would also increase the load/activity on Avast, most likely component being the Web Shield and possibly the File System shield because the content being decrypted from browsing is likely to have the downloaded content scanned.

That said there must be lots of Avast users using a VPN, given that Avast has its own VPN and there is a VPN component in Avast One Antivirus (not in the free Avast Antivirus). or using a 3rd party VPN as you were.

What is your system spec Processor, RAM and type of drives (HDD and or SDD) ?
If you happen to be using an older system like mine, increasing RAM if possible could help as could an SSD (rather depends on its upgrade potential).