NEW Version: Avast antivirus 2015 R2SP2 (2015.10.2.2218)

Hi Avast users,

I’m glad to announce a new version of Avast Antivirus for Windows (Free, Pro, Internet Security, Premier).
Version number: 2015.10.2.2218

What’s new:

  • Faster start after reboot - some components are loaded later
  • File System Shield - solved incompatibility with TrueCrypt
  • File System Shield - exclusions work again
  • Added option to install Skype during Avast installation
  • StreamFilter - Improved compatibility with other AV products

Download links:

Online installers

Full installers

It’s recommended to use the in-product update (Settings->Update->Program), if you have Avast already installed.

Any feedback is welcomed.

Enjoy this version.


Yeah, old news :wink:

Greetz, Red,

Updated via UI, just need to reboot now. :slight_smile:

Thanks. Updated, no issues to report.

The Popup after reboot is not updated:

Apart from that nothing to complain

Thanks for the update. Did through GUI, everything seems fine

Over the top installation.Everything looks good.
Didn’t see Skype offer during installation.

Edit :
After this update and reboot, I lost all restore points including one created by Avast.
I don’t know if this is connected with Secure Virtual Machines or something.

Update from the UI of 10.20.2217, appears to be running fine. I wasn’t offered Skype in the previous beta or this regular release.

The problem with a silent install of Skype in the last beta appears to be fixed in this final release of Avast.

Bob…your signature states you are using 2208 this is now 2218.

Thanks for the update. :slight_smile:

Edit : After this update and reboot,I lost all restore points including one created by Avast
Why would that be?

Updated to this latest version via Avast GUI. Installed successfully

Are you sure System Restore is turned on ???

No problem here:

Avast still very Disk Intensive:

I had a weird issue after I installed this update and the last. After I had a Blue Screen (unsure if related to Avast), I couldn’t get past the Windows Logo screen. According to a diagnostics screen, my boot sector got corrupted.

That has to do with Avast’s NG service still. :confused: Does it use VirtualBox’s old version or something?

Just letting you know, I installed this update successfully via Avast GUI from the previous version and the same issue still arises in this new version. From the previous version, I still have this support ticket number still open and I am still receiving support from avast support.

The bug is named Avast Account Bug in Avast GUI. Ticket number is #BYU-790-31187.


I was about to download avast! from Cnet website… It says its 2015.10.2.2215 … I notice this is more update so i’ll download from here… But the one on Cnet i was wondering is this the avast installer or a cnet one?

Thanks for the update did a clean install and everything is running very smooth no problems :wink: