Over the top installation.Everything looks good.
Didn’t see Skype offer during installation.
Edit :
After this update and reboot, I lost all restore points including one created by Avast.
I don’t know if this is connected with Secure Virtual Machines or something.
I had a weird issue after I installed this update and the last. After I had a Blue Screen (unsure if related to Avast), I couldn’t get past the Windows Logo screen. According to a diagnostics screen, my boot sector got corrupted.
Just letting you know, I installed this update successfully via Avast GUI from the previous version and the same issue still arises in this new version. From the previous version, I still have this support ticket number still open and I am still receiving support from avast support.
The bug is named Avast Account Bug in Avast GUI. Ticket number is #BYU-790-31187.
I was about to download avast! from Cnet website… It says its 2015.10.2.2215 … I notice this is more update so i’ll download from here… But the one on Cnet i was wondering is this the avast installer or a cnet one?