New version draining battery???

Is it possible this new version is causing an abnormal drain on the battery?

I normally charge my Nexus 10 every 3 weeks or so. I updated avast to the latest version and had to charge the tablet a few days later. I had just charged it previously a week before.

I updated my Nexus 4 and then charged it a couple days later on Friday. On Tuesday morning, my phone was completed dead. Monday evening, it had about 50% charge.


what does the battery summary in Settings show? Is AMS/AAT/AB there?


It showed 2%. It was at the bottom of the list. I’m checking it now and it isn’t in the list at all. The day before it died, a call was blocked by avast. Maybe it kept running after the block???

I wonder about the reliability of Android’s battery usage chart. Even though avast itself showed 2%, is it possible that avast was interacting with another service, such as Android OS or Android System, and that other service showed the high percentage of drain?

I think that the only service that might “misreport” is the one taking care of the GPS (location), but since AMS doesn’t request location, it shouldn’t be the case.

AMS is running all the time (in case you didn’t turn off all the shields etc) so it shouldn’t matter if AMS blocked a call or not.
