Since installing new free version My computer is slooooowwwww, hard time writing emails,Cant see videos certain websites getting error messages etc cant see pictures/ or slow to load etc etc, can definitely use help here, everything was fine until installing new version from old version…all other machines in house not using avast are okay
Reboot two or three times and see if it solves the problem.
If not, perform a repair of avast and check again.
If still not solved, perform a clean installation of the latest avast version.
Rebooted a few times last night…no change, not sure how to do repair? where to download new version from? cant listen or see verification letters either getting too pissed
write repair and click search
latest version is always found in the sticky post at top in this forum section
okay went to uninstall and repair option popped up so I did that…see how that goes but think I would be more comfortable uninstalling and reinstalling
might be better after doing repair…but still feeling I should do a uninstall and clean install what do you think?
See if the repair has solved it not.
If not, you can always do a clean installation and/or try other things.
oops see note above…doing repair might have helped…not enough time to tell but two websites I had an issue with now seem okay knock on wood, still think I should do a clean new install? (feels tainted lol)