New Virus Attack

First known 64-bit virus threat found
Security experts say they’re seeing the first viruses specifically designed to attack 64-bit software. Symantec has found what it believes to be the first known threat to 64-bit Windows systems, a proof-of-concept virus labeled w64.rugrat.3344. Rugrat can apparently attack 64-bit Microsoft Windows files successfully but won’t infect 32-bit files.

Even the big boys aren,t safe any more :cry:

Further info and comment in;action=display;threadid=4761


Thank you for this bit of interesting news. Never ceases to amaze me at how hard people try to mess computers instead of using their skills in a more condusive way.


I read the article from Symantec and this was particularly interesting:
Note: A true 64-bit computer is not required for this virus, as it can be run on a 32-bit computer that is using 64-bit simulation software.
So anyone “faking a 64” has to be on guard.


Thanks Techie101 for the additional info.
At my age however I don’t have to worry about that cause I’m to old to fake anything. ;D

Slightly off-topic, but a memory triggered by your comments – am I correct in assuming that back under Win 3.1, WinG was used to, in effect, “fake a 32”? Thanks for any enlightenment.

Can this virus run under Virtual PC? VPC “fakes” the windows OS on Mac computers


That takes me far back, but I think you are correct. In the early days of Windows, right before the “official 32” was borne, a 32 bit “simulation” was used very much like the “64 simulation” that we have discussed here.

Nostalga…I just love it! :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue:


Thanks for the info about this new type of virus reference 64 bit processing.