New Virus


Well somebody sent me an e-mail virus, so I have gone ahead and submitted it to Alwil, at the moment not many antivirus products are detecting it.


Click image below to see results of Virus Total scan.

Some further information would have been helpful. Thanks :slight_smile:

Hi Bob,

What other information would you like? There really isn’t much more information I can give, except for what the e-mail said (in blue).

Hello Michael.
Here that page which you asked to send. password: f9752985

This is the tyechnical information on this javascript virus:


Now my only questions are:
Was this something you where expecting ?
Did it come from someone you know ?
Was the email address of the sender a known address ?

No it was not.

No it did not.

No it was not.

And the sender also setup a fake e-mail address.

Now my only questions are:
Was this something you where expecting ?
Did it come from someone you know ?
Was the email address of the sender a known address ?

No it was not.

No it did not.

No it was not.

And the sender also setup a fake e-mail address.

These questions should always be asked before opening any email.
Especially if the ansers are the ones you gave.

This is a good lesson for those that are new to seperating Good email from Bad.


I don’t think you completely understood what I was saying, sorry if I was not clear enough.

I noticed the e-mail was an obvious virus so I quickly saved it to my external hard drive in a password protected .zip folder, did the necessary tests on Virus Total to see what kind of virus it was and sent it to Alwil so they could add it. I did not get infected, it was obvious to me the whole time that the e-mail was a virus.

Hi Bob,

Justin explains here the workings of this virus. The one he apparently stopped in its tracks. Well, that mail seems to come from a random hotmail or other webmail service address. Then it seems not to react on opening, fails apparently, but in the background is secretly opening up trying to download his malicious payload(s) onto your machine.
We all understand now that opening untrusted mails or visiting insecure browser-links is a guaranteed way of infecting your machine, as is using not fully patched software so malware artists can use exploits against the OS of your computer.
Also trustful sites which are ill secured by their webmasters can be hacked, so you better always to have av-scanning run inside a browser or prevent script from running unles you cannot do without the functionality per se, and re-enable the script for that purpose only. Yes, Bob, better safe than sorry.

I think Justin knows about all of these matters, and has acted accordingly. As a regular visitor of this forum I take it for granted he knows how to stay out of harms way. He should be aware that a lot of webmail services has holes (cloaked viruses that come in under the scanning radar), is not always securely applied by a lot of ISP’s, and you should filter and scan it thoroughly or throw out all immediately that cannot be confirmed as genuine mail. I work mailwasher with five anti-spam filters active.



I don’t think you completely understood what I was saying, sorry if I was not clear enough.

Hi justin1278,
I was simply pointing out what beginners need to look out for so that they don’t get caught by such an obvious ploy.

Since you sent the sample to avast! I knew you had caught the culprit before it did any damage to your system. :slight_smile:

Ah ok, sorry I misunderstood :-[