New VPS update

Wow, the virus guys have been busy - today’s special update includes quite a number of new virii:


yeah ;D, 132 newly detected viruses ;D

;D Yep - it was busy week indeed! Main kudos to Jakub!!


Are we really safe or just with a ‘feeling’ of security? ;D
Thanks for you good work 8)

We - the users - are trying to be good boys and use avast! :stuck_out_tongue:

wow! I am impressed…thanks for all the hard work that went into protecting us!


very nice ideed,…a big list …my eyes went like this: :o

keep up the good work guys! you all rock :smiley:

As long as you feel it’s ok… Sercurity or no security, it’s the audio thing for me. :slight_smile: ‘Virus database has been updated.’. In my old age it doesn’t take much to comfort me.

It is even more today ;D !!


yeb, about 408 new viruses ;D ;D :wink: :wink: