New Worm Malware Founded [Solved]

Dear All,

Just want to share information that there is a lot of attachment file on your e-mail which is you should more take it carefully to avoid any file infected going to destruct your existing running system.

We got a some sample mostly those files earned from e-mail which’s send through e-mail and attached inside of the sender e-mail.

Here is the new worm malware that i had submit to Avast VirusLab already :


Hi Yanto.Chiang,

Also good to keep an eye out for the results on this site:
You can also make a look up for a certain domain, example: (all green)
and a full 100 here:


Hi Polonus,

Since my company also selling WatchGuard UTM Firewall for gateway security i didn’t realize that WatchGuard have this web analysis tool.

Nice sharing Polonus


Hi Polonus,

Again for the two files that i submitted to avast viruslab on 19th Feb has been detected, but why we still should doin on-demand scan?

Actually after VPS update, then avast file system shield it should be able to detect it without doing on-demand scan?

How about your site?


For this thread, i take this was closed and clear already.