New Zone Alarm Beta

In the above link is a screenshot of the new zone alarm the trust level has 1 to 3 green bars. So far I have found out that if you only give a programme one green bar (accessed by left clicking that section) it can do very little. The one highlighted is windows installer, it previously had just on bar and it wouldn’t run, I gave it 2 and it then installed a programme for me. I had the same problem with windows media player with just one bar it wouldn’t play any of the tracks on my hard drive. I will keep trying it out over the next few days to see what else I can find out. Webshield now appears to work with privacy and cookie control set to high. The help section on this new function is less than clear but what the heck experimentation is fun.

Thanks essexboy
I’ll let you do the experimenting. I’ll wait till they get all the kinks out. ;D

Her is the definition of suspicious behaviour (allowed if you give 2 green bars)

ZA defenition of suspicious action line 1 detected behaviour line 2 What this means line 3 What to do (then repeat 1 to 3) Monitoring certificates A program is trying to stop one or more programs from running. Unless you are performing a program update, you should deny this action.

Installing new applications
A program is attempting to install on your computer.
Unless you are installing a program, you should deny this action as it could be spyware trying to install itself on your computer.

Causing something to run at startup
A program is setting itself to run at each computer start up.
Unless you are installing a program, you should deny this action, as it could be spyware.

Modifying system services
A program is modifying system services.
Unless you are installing a program, you should deny this action, as it could be spyware.

Installing LSP (Layered Service Provider)
A program is setting itself up to monitor your Internet traffic.
Unless you are installing a program that needs access to your Internet traffic, such as e-mail, Instant Messaging, or Web traffic, you should deny this action.

Loading or installing drivers
A program is attempting to load a driver. Loading a driver allows a program to do anything it wants on your computer without limit.
Unless you are installing Anti-virus, Firewall, VPN, or other system tools, you should deny this action.

Installing browser plug-ins
A browser plug-in is attempting to add itself to your browser.
Unless you are currently adding functionality to your browser, such as a toolbar, you should deny this, as it could be spyware.

Installing IE extensions
A browser extension is attempting to add itself to Internet Explorer.
Unless you are currently adding functionality to your browser, such as a toolbar, you should deny this, as it could be spyware.

Changing browser search defaults
Your default browser search function is being modified.
Unless you are currently modifying your browser’s search function, you should deny this action.

Disabling user search assistant
Your Internet Explorer search assistant is being disabled.
Unless you are disabling the Internet Explorer search assistant, you should deny this action as it could be spyware.

Changing browser page defaults
Your default browser home page is being modified.
Unless you are changing your home page, you should deny this action.

Installing Active X controls
An Active X program is attempting to install itself on your computer.
Unless you are downloading or running a process from your browser, you should deny this action.

Changing Internet settings
Your Internet Options settings are being modified.
Unless you are modifying your Internet Options, you should deny this action.

Anything with a restricted option is not allowed to carry out these actions

Here is the definition of dangerous behaviour (3 green bars)

Dangerous bahaviour definitions

Monitoring keyboard and mouse input
A program is attempting to monitor your keyboard strokes.
Unless you are running a specialized program such as narration software, you should deny this action.

Controlling keyboard and mouse input
A program is attempting to remotely control your keyboard and mouse.
Unless you are running remote-access software, such as PC Anywhere or VNC, you should deny this action.

Making changes to physical memory
A program may be attempting to modify or read information owned by another program.
Unless you are running gaming, video, or system utility software, you should deny this action.

Injecting code into a program or system services
A program is attempting to inject code into another program.
Unless you are running highly specialized software to “re-skin” or otherwise change a program, you should deny this action.

Disabling Windows file protection
A program is attempting to disable Windows file protection.
Deny this action.

Preventing applications from running
A program is attempting to stop one or more of your programs from running.
Unless your working environment prevents certain programs from running (such as on a private network set up by an administrator), you should deny this action.

Modifying TCP/IP parameters
A program is attempting to change your network settings, possibly to re-route you to dangerous Web sites and monitor your Web traffic.
Unless you are running TCP/IP tuning software, you should deny this action.

Spawning an unknown or bad program from a good one
A program is attempting to modify another program.
Unless a program you are using has a reason to open another program (such as a Word document with a link to a browser, or an IM program with links to other programs) you should deny this action.

Disabling Windows auto update functionality
Something is trying to disable your Windows auto update functionality.
Unless you are disabling Windows automatic updates, you should deny this action.

Modifying Internet Explorer History
Something is trying to modify your Internet History.
Unless you are using a program or tool that modifies your Internet Explorer history, you should deny this action.

Modifying Internet Explorer Favorites
Something is trying to modify your Internet Explorer Favorites files.
Unless you are using a program or tool that modifies your Internet

As you can see this can make it fun ensuring that your programmes ahve the right protection setting. But once it is done (and ZA doesn’t lose your settings) you do have a fairly secure handle on your programmes actions. Privacy and cookie settings are still interfering with webshield although just intermittently at the moment.

With cookie at medium and ad blocking at high there is no apparent conflict with webshield which is good. Now I have a request does anyone know where I can get some spyware to test the spyscanner element of ZA, but please nothing that can’t be removed by adware or MS Antispy. I will set a restore point before I download it… Don’t you just love living dangerously ;D

The beta has been running well for a few days now no bugs evident with a rather steep learning curve on assigning trust levels for programmes.

Thanks essexboy for the heads up and added info on ZA 6 Beta.

I also agree that there is a rather steep learning curve on assigning trust levels for programmes.

I was becoming a bit confused at some of the ambiguous entry details " allow suspicious" “deny dangerous” I

would have been flummoxed if there was a “allow suspiciously dangerous” “allow none”

It is good to see however that ZA has finally got their act together and rectified the conflicts privacy control

was causing with WebShield so far so good 36 hours and all appears to be OK

Spoke too soon cookie control now stops me accessing my web mail, so it’s off again :-[

I wonder if ZA 6 will also be in Free Edition, I would love that. ;D

New beta version now available. Tongue in cheek now seems to have cured the webshield interaction. So far it has been very stable and I still get full stealth from Definately makes my system more secure now as I am seeing the interaction between programmes as well as internet traffic, so this should cut down the risk of hijacking or subversion of programmes being run on my machine…

If they introduce ZA 6 only for Pro edition, someone is gonna be jealous. :wink:


If they introduce ZA 6 only for Pro edition, someone is gonna be jealous.
Where is it stated that ZA6 doesn't have a free version?

By Bob3160

Where is it stated that ZA6 doesn't have a free version?

It’s not stated. However, the beta trials are only on ZAPro and ZA Security suite. So I think the additional element is going to be on the paid for version only. The latest beta is still stable but the only problem is a patchy interference with webshield but as I no longer use the privacy fuctions on ZA I don’t care. The main thing to say about this version is that the number of popups while the programme is in the learning mode is quite heavy but after 2 or 3 days of use they peter right out. And it makes you look at what the programmes are doing for instance I only gave windows installer restricted access and then found out I couldn’t use it to install programmes DUH.

Never stated to the public, but since they have beta version for pro and security suite, I assume that they won’t give it out as a Free edition. :slight_smile:

ZA pro is a enough at the moment, with all the other baggage , like spybot S&D , Avast! and Firefox ;D

Just tried the GFI e-mail test normally ZA blocks 5 of the 23 e-mails leaving Avast to catch the rest However, this latest beta only caught 4 although which one it missed I’m not sure 'cos as usual Avast caught the rest.

Just had an example of the spyware scanner in action it detected winpatrol uninstal as a trojan??? Unfortunately my wife hit the delete key before I could stop her. My fault though 'cos I did say if you get a virus alert to delete… :-[

Hopefully it doesn’t pick out something vital or you might have to re-install windows… ;D

Luckilly enough I have a streamed XPSP2 on another partion from which I can extract any demolished files… ;D