Newbee... Help required please


I have downloaded Avast today for the first time and wondered if I need to run anything else along side it ?
It is for home use only…
Many Thanks.

Pete. :-\

I recomend Malwarebytes as an extra scanner. free version is on-demand only. price for pro is a one time fee for a lifetime license

I run comodo firewall, avast free, spyware blaster,and malwarebytes on demand and have hadno problems.
Welcome aboard.
;D Marc

Welcome to the forum Pete. :slight_smile:

I also recommend Malwarebytes Anti-Malware (MBAM) as an on-demand scanner. It works nicely with Avast without conflicts.

Do you have a firewall?

If you take a look at people’s signatures (the small writing below their posts, you can get an idea of what people are using that work well with Avast as well).

Feel free to ask any questions. We are here 24/7 to assist. :slight_smile:

Hi pete and welcome to the forum, avast with malwarebytes free or pro is a very good combination. Superantispyware is another excellent addition to run with avast but i think the majority of user’s here would say malwarebytes. I think the lifetime license for malwarebytes is about $20.00.

Nice one.

Thanks to all who took time out to reply.

Pete. :wink:

You are very welcome Pete.

If you feel that your issue is now resolved/fixed, please go back to the open post in this topic, click the modify button in that Post and change the title/subject, add [Resolved] to the beginning of the title so this thread can be closed.

Come back and visit us another time. :slight_smile: Thank you.