NewBee Here ,,,Need Help

 I need some info if some one can help me plzz ...everytime I do a reboot and I have a scan set up it comes back error. In my Log it says::  0X2000001 ... return code nothing done it is under the General Category.
How can I correct this ...I have the Home Verion of the Avast.
  Thank You 

nope its on the correct board. we are just waiting for the ALWIL team to share their knowledge as you problem has me stumped :o

We have read just from the begginning but, when we cannot help, we do not post, oh, generally speaking ;D

Here you will see Windows error codes: here.

But, if I understood you correctly, that was an ‘avast error’, wasn’t it?

Awake, can you rephrase the question? What exactly is the problem? Could you e.g. post a scren shot?


Not sure how to do a print screen …if you explain then I will…
When I do a Boot Scan an error occurs through Avast …Unable to read the message though

In the Avast Log Viewer I see this :: Need Reboot= False
Return Code :0X20000001[Nothing Done ].

Hope this Helps Sry about not knowing how to do Print Screen

Not sure how to do a print screen ...if you explain then I will.....

choose the active window…press alt+print screen to capture the image…then paste it into any picture programs…for eg. paint…

OK I see. The two things are totally unrelated, though.

There’s a problem in the boot-time scan – this will be fixed in the next program update (due next week). See;action=display;threadid=3675 .

The entry in the log is benign – you can just ignore it…

Hope this helps,

I did manage to figure out how to take a screen shot but was unable to to post it here ....sry could not ...I hit the Insert Picture button but all I got was some weird letters.
So that error message I am getting is being fixed in an update next week wonderful since I do like Avast but was considering of taking it off my system.
    Wonderfull news ...Thanks All

Screenshot: Upload it to a site of yours, and then
see here:

or use your favourite Image-Viewer/program to convert/save it as
Maximum attachment size allowed: 150 KB

then attach it here…
