Newbie needs help with false positive

I just started using Avast!, and it has brought my automobile laptop’s usefulness way down. On that laptop over the past year I’ve made extensive use of a macro program called “Mouse and Key Recorder” ( ) to make tasks easier while driving. However, Avast! has decided that the Recorder has a trojan (Win32:Trojan-gen.{VB}), and stops it from running. I’ve entered the program files and folder into Avast’s exclusion listing, but it has no effect.

Other anti-virus programs detect nothing wrong with Recorder.

Is there anything I can do to deal with this false positive issue? Or do I need to abandon Avast and find another anti-virus program? Seems silly that Avast’s exclusion function doesn’t actually exclude.

Hi Anthony - Welcome to the forum.

There are two exclusions. One is in Program Settings which will exclude the program from on demand scans. The other is in the On-Access Protection Control where you can add an exclusion in the Standard Shield settings. If you haven’t done the second the program is still being scanned in real time.

EDIT: This is not really a false positive since keyloggers are often used with ill intent. Just a difference of opion whether to alert as “riskware” or not.

Ah, thanks. That got it!

Does the detection occur even with the latest VPS? I downloaded the package, but nothing is detected.

Maybe it’s fixed in the latest version? I think mine is 5.2.

Had the same problem with Winplosion. False positive in version 2.17, but not in 2.18.

No, it should be …

Sorry, I meant my version of the program “Recorder” is 5.2.

And, is it still there? I mean, the false positive?
I hope Alwil team correct this soon 8)

Please, please, please tell me you don’t use a computer while driving a car. You did not say “riding” in a car, so I take your word choice literally. Unless I have misinterpreted your meaning, I sure hope I never find myself driving the same roads you travel. I don’t mean to offend, but the image you paint is scary. Frankly, the practice of simultaneous computing & driving, IMHO, is a horrific “accident waiting to happen”. So when you ask what you can do “to deal with the false positive from Avast”, I’d urge you, for your safety as well as the safety of others, to not use it at all while driving.