here is exactly where my computer is at now, and since i really still need help, i hope i can clarify any questions that come up:
i have figured out how to restore to a previous day when my computer was running, albeit before i installed avast. now avast is telling me my registration key, which was e-mailed to me, is not valid. so at this point i can not open avast at all. furthermore, while everything else appears to be functioning for the time being, my computer still asks me what mode i want to start it in every time i start up, and tells me that two critical files are missing from my system folder: klmc.vxd and klif.vxd. do you know what those are? note: without the lisence i can’t open avast to see if they’re in there somehow! (yes i had a lisence before restoring!)
i think i understand that you believe that panda and not avast is somehow responsible for my computer’s “meltdown.” ok. please know that i do not mean to accuse avast, i just need my computer to work!!! all i know is that avast is what was running when it stopped working, in avast’s folders may be the problem, and avast is no longer letting me open it so i can not figure out why. can you help me with this problem?
i apologize if you felt like i was “astutely” accusing you; i was only frustrated and trying to solve a problem, if it wasn’t the best way, i’m sorry, and i still hope for help. you say that “Even if you deleted this file rather that moving to the chest, it should have had no adverse effect to your computer as it is merely a file use by panda’s on-line scanner. So there should have been no knock on effect to your modem or being stuck in safe mode.” nevertheless, there WAS a serious adverse effect on my computer.
lastly, i want to set something straight here… i am doing the best i can with this mess on my desk that i wish i could throw out the window. you probably can relate to how frustrating that can be, especially when you have work to do! i said i followed the link to the panda site and i did. just because i didn’t UNDERSTAND the relevance, doesn’t mean i didn’t listen to your advice. i was only able to open avast’s log long after i had looked at the link, and i ONLY knew that i never installed anything from panda, so i just didn’t make the connection. i do not see why my comments should be directed to panda when they probably don’t have anything to do with the problem. but if they should, please explain to me why so that i can go to them armed with the knowledge of why, and i will do so. even if it’s not avast’s fault, still it happened when running avast for the first time, so i feel like i am coming to the right place.
admittedly i do not know what the problem is here, ok? i never said i was a computer whiz. i only asked for help. and someone who NEEDS help to figure out what is going on, it may not make much sense to tell that person THEY need to know what’s going on before they speak up!
anyways, thanks for putting up and trying to help!