Newbie Question

Recently having installed Avast 4.0 home edition, after deleting Norton and afterwards getting a firewall, I was sort of tinkering around with it. Until I accidently stopped 2 providers… It used to have 6 running on mine, now it has 4 and I’m thinking those 2 I stopped had to do with my firewall or something… Remember one of them saying Network Shield. And I have no clue how to put back those 2. Any Help or is that stopping thing permanent?

  1. Right-click the “a” ball
  2. Chose “On Access Protection Control”
  3. Click on “Details”
  4. Click on the provider you want and then “Start”

Network Shield has nothing to do with your firewall. It is one of the providers in Avast. I suggest you read the help file and make yourself familiar with Avast.

Thanks a bunch. I got those 2 running again and I probably will try to read more into Avast. Much Appreciated.