how does it work this nice feature?
When I run any program, nothing happens. I have yet set the interactive activity has to ask. Or does it only runs on the newly installed software? After installing Avast?
If it will go as it should, Avast has a competitive edge
Thanks for the advice
Do you have the autosandbox set to Ask ?
If so I don’t know if it would record any actions.
I have the file in that location on my win7 netbook. But not in XP Pro (C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\AVAST Software\Avast\report), I can’t recall if I have had any autosandbox alerts since a clean install of 6.0.1000, so perhaps that is correct.
same question - need sm to test it.
As I know Sandboxie sw, there is clear and work it. Here nothing.
I cannot also find that autosandbox.log under my winxp.
Or maybe because I just installed new Avast6 only today, that log is missing yet, without running any sw?
What does it mean “potentially suspicious application”? How does it know, if any?
As shown on the log I’ve posted, AnyDVD causes a prompt here at least, plus DAEMON Tools Lite gets logged (no prompt as it’s trusted though). Someone also mentioned elsewhere that HDD Health utility produces an autosandbox prompt.
Installed HDD Health. There are entries in the Behavior Shield log which allowed it’s actions but there was no sandbox alert and there still is no sandbox log file. The Behavior Shield is set to auto-decide and the sandbox to ask.
well, tried this HDD Health, worked properly with Autosandbox. And that log file was made based on this decision.
I found another detail in it: I opened Anvir Task Manager before first one and Avast registered this activity without asking…
How he knows to do it as needed to prompt?
28.2.2011 15:18:47 Autosandbox candidate: C:\TOOLS\ANVIR TASK MANAGER FREE\ANVIR.EXE
[Source: ]
[Opened by: C:\Tools\AnVir Task Manager Free\AnVir.exe]
→ Result: Not sandboxing (because the file is trusted).
That is because you did an update from avast 5.x to avast 6.0 as it would have been a massive task to change the program folder name and all associated registry entries.
Those who did a clean install of avast 6.0 will have a new Avast Software folder instead of Alwil Software and a sub-folder of Avast instead of avast5.
of course clean install: to a new directory. Do not mix together, never with the old one. So I do now, but the result is the same.
I am interested in assessing how the program is suspect for Autosandbox?