Newbiw here! problem installing avast 4 home!need help!

Hey! I have been a user of avast 4 home for about a month and today i have uninstalled internet explorer from my computer not knowing that avast requires it to run. Is there another way to install avast without the need for internet explorer? why does avast need internet explorer installed on a computer?
If i have uninstalled it and didn’t write down the serial for avast 4 homr where can i get it back.

P.s. I really want back avast! :frowning: so i need your help because i want to keep using avast.

Thanks for your help! Take care!

  1. I don’t believe you have uninstalled IE, it is an integral part of the OS, used for displaying Explorer, Help and Support, etc. all you have done is hide it.

  2. avast reports this because it uses it for the help files (not to run), nothing else, so you should be able to sill use it.

  3. You should probably be able to ignore this warning and proceed with the install.

I have found a script on the net using and use it to uninstall internet explorer,after that when i rebooted the components of avast didn’t load up and when i tried to load them it said that it can’t find them(the wewb shield,standard shield,p2p shield and the other components didn’t load after what i did). I uninstalled avast then download it again and tried to install it but i got the message that avast requires internet explorer ro run so i stopped the installation and head it to the avast forum:).

sorry :slight_smile:

The key words, “so i stopped the installation and head it to the avast forum” try allowing it to run ignoring the notice.

Hey! i have reinstalled avast and all shields won’t start.Can you provide help about this?

I want to thank you for the support you have provided me. I will switch to another antivirus.
Thank you.Goodbye.

If more information had been given we could have helped. OS, exact error as given by avast. Note deletion of IE will stop some parts of windows and other programmes working. Also patience is a virtue the majority of users on this forum are just that

hey man! i want to keep using avast. Ok,i am using windows me, i have made this foolishness of uninstalling ie. this is what avast gives me when i try to run it–>Storage can not be created for the splash task then it gives this—>configuration is not loaded properly error:dbsCreateObject then–>program can not save parameters to storage!(error:dbsCreateObject).These are the three errors that appear when i try to start avast antivirus.
Think the best thing i can do is reinstall windows.

right click the avast icon, select Program Settings, Troubleshooting and change the database storage method to XML.

i have tried this but the program does not respond.

Did you reboot after changing to xml. If not check that you have the latest version of ms mdac available here

Edit I dont think xml works with 9x windows