News (not that good) about NAV 2006 Beta

Beta testers of NAV 2006 ( 27,5Mb, say:

  1. Few improvements or new features. The new Protection Center is just the same as old One Buttom Check summary. Alerts about virus signature expiration and old full disk scannings. The same of Microsoft Antispyware summary window.

  2. Antivirus + Antispyware protection is claimed by Symantec.

  3. Antipopup and Antispam integrated… like we already know the all-in-one-bloatware-strategy-from-Symantec. These features are disabled on beta version.

  4. ;D Performance: Wow… we eat more and more RAM ;D I can’t stop laughing when I read the review in a famous newspaper here: only NAV 2006 uses 191 Mb of RAM during normal behavior. Look, all Norton Internet Suite 2005 (with firewall, etc.) uses, now around 190 Mb. So, be warned, the big hog will be still there. :stuck_out_tongue:

Don’t you think we’re lucky in avastland? :slight_smile:

I sure am happy to live in avastland!!! ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

191 megs of RAM needed to run Norton?! That’s an obsecene amount. It’s like they are in bed with computer companies to make people have to buy more powerful computers!

I hate bloatware! Hate it, hate it, hate it… yeah, I really, really do hate it.

Anyway, Norton–that’s a dumb name. I can tell you that kids in school that had a name like Norton would get beat up. Norton is the name of a nerd. But a loser nerd. (I don’t support beating up anyone, but if I did meet the Norton behind this 191 meg monstrosity, I would laugh at them!!!)

hi hmm :o

Norton is an extremely respected motorcycle…

Few months ago, I made an avatar for them… it’s still good, so they can use it if they want… not me though ! ;D ;D ;D

Hey, why don’t you put some ‘water’ into the avatar and show it like flooding ;D

You would think they would be trying to reduce the bloat rather than increase ti ;D


Just think how many ppl wlll have it pre-installed on their PC when they buy a new one :cry:

And THAT is the saddest thing of all ! Unbelievable huge problem… People are doomed…

And even worse… they think they are protected best they could be, since it’s NORTON after all ;D ;D ;D Norton sounds so powerful, and they believe they have no reason to worry… however, the reality is much darker… ;D

191 Mb really? :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o

Although I think Norton is not that bad but if it’s true, I’ll never ever let this RAM eating monster get into my computer.

My beloved Avast is about 10 MB in size and I think it uses about 20-22 MB of RAM with all providers installed, it’s no doubt that I’m lucky in avastland. :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

Norton is a bad bad bad boy! He eats all RAM cake without asking others! ;D I’m back to my old avatar “No viruses allowed” but now i think it could be “Norton not allowed too” ;D

Ok and I don’t see where is the problem ;D ;D ;D I have that version just ready for you ;D ;D ;D

LOL great one I hope YLAP will use it ;D

avast beats norton!!

LOL That’s true! Norton is not allowed here anymore! As viruses too! Sasha, my friend, thanks for “upgrading” my avatar, even I was really joking, but I like it! Thaks again! Norton is left ouside alone, not allowed into my home. Yeah! ;D ;D ;D