ng, vbox installed ok wont run

There is no clear answer so far :frowning: Please send me autosandbox.log. Thanks

NG works on Win Vista :wink:

The only exception is Win XP, where NG is not installed so far

[quote="ondrejz post:21, topic:703530"]

There is no clear answer so far :frowning: Please send me autosandbox.log. Thanks

Thanks ondrejz for your reply. I’m attaching here the latest NGtool log and Autosandbox log after executing the NG testing tool .
Waiting for your reply…thanks…

Just saw your PM and deleted the excemption and attaching the log. Now it seems NG is working OK…please confirm…

NG seems to be working correctly

 --> Result: Sandboxing in NG
 --> Instrumentation: Instrumentation inside sandbox requested

There are some errors in the ngtool log. For verifiaction of the NG environment you can run “ngtool.exe isready” in cmd

ngtool.exe is located here: c:\Program Files\AVAST Software\Avast\ng\


still hoping some one can help. can’t get ng to work. ng not getting disk results according to logs attached to other posts in this very thread. someone please check them out. also, please read responses from Onderjz before simply disk is too slow or ng does not work on vista.
i would certainly appreciate any help on this issue if anyone has any ideas or if problem cannot be repaired.

thanks so much for your consideration,

Some more help on NG service can be found starting at:

please give us one/two days… We are going to release small update of NG which disables the disk speed check… There are more issues to be fixed and we are almost done with it :wink:


many thanks for your interest and timely responses to my posts Ondrejz.
will now leave you be and wait patiently for update.
please notify me when update is released in this thread.
noticed 1000+ views. hope this helps most of them and others with same problem.

thanks again

But the Ngtool command prompt disappears in a moment after double clicking that exe …!!! . So I can’t run “ngtool.exe isready” …need some help ondrejz… :-\

You need to run the command within a command prompt

Example in the screenshot

Thanks essexboy…
CMD screen shot attached…look everything ok… right ondrejz…?

recieved update stated by Ondrejz on boot this am. ng and virtual box loaded, created snapshot and and 3 vboxes normally. now have vbox running in services as it should. all seems to be running normally now.
see over 1200 people reading this. sure hope it has helped others with older vista systems like mine.

many thanks to dev team and keep up good work

Nice to hear!

Unfortunately nothing has changed on my side. Will this be a avast! update, or some internal thing?

it was avast update which removed the disk speed requirement. you must still have hardware virtualization and have it turned on in bios.

Something wrong…now NG is not working even if AvastVBoxSvc service is running, after a repair…see the attachments…

Which version is your current avast then? I did not get any upgrade yet. Current version: 2015.10.0.2206

Can you attach your avast NG log? Located under ‘C:\ProgramData\AVAST Software\Avast\ng\Logs’.

The update was done through a VPS update not a program update.

As Bob said, it was small update, version not increased.

If anybody still have a problem with build of NG environment, please attach the ngtool.log and also mention an output of “ngtool.exe isready” (cmd)… Thanks

[quote="Harikrishnan post:35, topic:703530"] Something NG is not working even if AvastVBoxSvc service is running, after a repair...see the attachments.. [/quote]

Seems OK after a reinstall…

I made a clean reinstall but no luck, the errors in the log are the same.
I am already in contact with the support, and he stated the problem will be fixed in the next update.

So it seems the current update is not helping my cause, i attached my log.

ngtool isready is resulting in : "NG machines are NOT ready to use, error: 0x00000032
ngtool conditions met results: “CmdConditionsMetWrapper done (result: 0x00000000, bNotMet: 0x00000000)”