Nice info link..

Hi malware fighters,

Go here and click:



Which virus nomenclature do they use?
Is it affiliate to any av vendor?

Here’s a quote from their online scanner:

Malwarecity Online Scanner is a free and fully functional antivirus and antispyware scanner. It is based on the same technology as BitDefender Antivirus 2008, one of the most reliable antivirus solutions worldwide according to independent organizations such as Virus Bulletin, AV Test or AV Comparatives.
Don't know if I want to use 2008 technology in 2010 ???

maybe Bitdefender… quote: Superior proactive detection: BitDefender antivirus is well known for its ability to detect new and previously unknown viruses based on their behavior.

Hi bob3160,

Mistaken, mistaken… if you go to their home page, you get a virus that was detected on 2010/07/08…
The virus link is one that goes back to 2008, a generic. We still have viruses from 1998…

Think I would give a 2008 info link, eh :smiley: - not everyone has American date notation ----


Read the quote. I didn’t make it up. it’s from their website. Has nothing to do with date notation. :slight_smile: